
"Curiosity has its own reason for existence." - Albert Einstein


Take a break from the books and learn Physics hands-on in a fun-filled environment. Our wide collection of self learning projects can help you get the core concepts right!


Let's pronounce the word "methylethylamylophenylium"!


There's no Chemistry until something explodes! Right?
Let's make some colors, make some clouds, set something on fire or may be cool something down. It's time to play with some chemicals!


4 out of 3 people struggle with maths. :)


Math is the only place where people can buy 54 watermelons, so let's respect the subject. Enough now, seriously, Mathematics is used throughout the world as an essential tool to solve very complicated problems. Let's crack the subject!

Medical Science

Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"? - George Carlin

Medical Science

Let's make you a DOCTOR! What do you want to do first? Cut open a human body?? Sorry, out of scope! But we do teach you blood grouping, blood pressure & B.M.I. measurements etc. And, you get to see a real SKELETON!! Consider yourself a mini doctor!

Science Behind Magic

Magic becomes Science when it has nothing to hide.

Science Behind Magic

Want to learn some magic tricks? Show off a bit in front of your friends? Our fun-filled workshops teach you those tricks alongwith clear scientific explanations that answers all kinds of 'wh' words!


"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet."


We have a mobile planetarium! It's not a planetarium inside a mobile phone, it's a big sized planetarium that is mobile (comes to you)! Want to learn about some stars and constellations? Let's get inside then!

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